Why is deforestation such a major global environmental concern?

As said by Christina Nunez ‘Human-driven and natural loss of trees—deforestation—affects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the climate.’ Deforestation doesn’t just affect a limited area, it affects our planetary ecosystem, and it is spreading swiftly around the globe, wreaking havoc in a plethora of aspects. Maintaining forests as they are and the ability to try and save them is crucial, as they hold so much importance.
Forests are important. Forests are not only captivating and breathtakingly beautiful, but they are
also essential for the earth's health. For animals, forests and ample open space areas provide food and habitat for the entirety of their lives. According to WWF ‘more than half the world's land-based plants and animals, and three-quarters of all birds, live in and around forests.’ This underlines the importance they have on the planet, as well as the significant influence they have on the ecology of many forests and their responsibility to keep the planet functioning.
How and why does deforestation affect animals?
In these surroundings and areas, wild animals require a proper and adaptable habitat. These animals need a secure and safe space where they can find comfort in the environment they are always around to rest, sleep, feed, breed, hide and disappear from predators. As deforestation is a practice designed to meet human needs, it's critical to recognise that it is disrupting and destroying forests; it's also destroying animal sanctuaries and depleting essential resources, exposing these species to new threats and catastrophe.
These species will lose their homes and natural habitat due to deforestation, and will be
deprived of food, water, and shelter. These impacts are a direct force of extinction.
Tropical Rain Forest is a necessity and it is at a clearance
The loss of trees is caused by manufactured actions such as clearing of land for economic renewal, farming and tree chopping for wood products, and forest fires, which contribute to making the air drier and causing soil erosion. The removal of trees directly impacts the quality of the air. The idea of healthy forest that is not being tampered with and a more robust community is a critical component of a global climate solution. It is disappointing to see and realise that deforestation excludes us from a vital weapon in tackling climate change and its many possible ways of combating it and finding a resolution to fix decades worth of mess.
Deforestations relevance > impact > implications
The fact of the matter is: not only does deforestation remove flora that is crucial for absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (natural carbon sequestration); the practice is also producing greenhouse gas emissions, which are hazardous in terms of trapping heat and contributing to respiratory ailments caused by pollution in the air. Deforestation is the second major cause of serious climate change effects, according to the United Nations.
Deforestation has a burden on indigenous peoples and is a cause of homeland destruction. No one should have to struggle to maintain their way of life just to be jeopardised due to selfish motives.
It is possible to prevent deforestation and save what is left to mitigate climate change. The consequences of halting deforestation influence policies and lead to the search for alternatives. During COP26, we saw the Deforestation Pledge with more than 100 countries pledging to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030. Its scope covers around 85 percent of the world’s forests. Nevertheless, it is yet to be seen whether this will be labelled as ‘too much blah, blah’ or substantial action. The world's need and demand for resources like wood, paper, and agriculture isn't the only thing that keeps this entire planet going because the only thing that prevents this planet from being secure and well-cared for is its creation.